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MessagePosté: 25 Nov 2008, 22:57 
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Inscription: 26 Sep 2005, 18:04
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Localisation: paris

Je me permets de te mettre -en copié-collé, en anglais, mais les formules sont faciles à comprendre - un extrait d'un exposé sur le traitement des plaies chroniques et des ulcères par les HE. Diane Ames (infirmière agréée, aromathérapeute) est souvent appelée à la rescousse quand tout a échoué, a -t'elle expliqué (c'était lors du symposium d'aromathérapie de Grasse de cette année)

Advanced Clinical Aromatherapy in Wound Care
Diane Ames, MSN, APNP-BC, CCAP
Milwaukee, Wi, USA

"The challenge of chronic wounds and pressure ulcers

In acute care facilities in the United States, approximately $11 billion was spent annually treating 2.5 million pressure ulcers (Reddy et al., 2006). Causative factors may include age, repeated trauma, poor nutrition, poor profusion, bioburden and chronic inflammatory response to name a few. Unfortunately, most of the time when I am consulted the wound
is chronic and often times a stage III or IV.

Case 4: pressure ulcer

A 76 year female with a diagnosis of supranuclear palsy was transferred from a hospital to a hospice. She had a Stage IV sacral pressure ulcer measuring 10cm x 9cm x 2 cm in depth. Tunneling was present along with a necrotic edge. Prior to hospitalization she had been bed ridden for several months. She was incontinent and was thought to be septic due
to a urinary tract infection which was later identified as Klebsiella. While hospitalized she deteriorated and was intubated and put on a ventilator. She was extubated prior to admission to the hospice. She was admitted with enteral alimentation and a foley urinary catheter. She was incapable of turning or repositioning herself.

Initial treatment:
8 drops Matricaria recutita- b-farnescene, chamazulene, bisabolol
7 drops Lavandula angustifolia-linalol
5 ml Calendula officinalis in olive oil

We applied this mixture to the wound cavity and packed it with gauze bandages, covered with a non-adherent bandage and dressing. The rationale for selection of the oils included anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial properties.
We changed the dressing daily and as needed due to exudate which was moderate most of the time. Eventually the ulcer was sharp debrided as the epidermis started retracting from the ulcer and the tissue was necrotic. 85% was nongranulation tissue with 15% slough
present. The ulcer measured 9 cm x 7 cm x 5.5 cm in depth.

Treatment for infection:
5 drops of Melaleuca alternifolia- terpinen-4-ol
5 drops of Commiphora momol- sesquiterpenes; indestrene
5 ml aloe vera gel

The wound was packed with this mixture although it was difficult to mix up a large amount of this mixture due to the separation of the oils from the Aloe vera gel, so the base was changed to Calendula infused oil.

Final treatment:
5 drops Melaleuca alternifolia- terpinen-4-ol
5 drops Commiphora momol- sesquiterpenes; indestrene
5 drops Litsea cubeba-geranial, neral
5 ml calendula officinalis in olive oil

Litsea cubeba was added for antimicrobial properties and odor control. With this mixture, granulation tissue was present and the ulcer started to retract and fill in. Odor was eliminated and the wound margins were clean and healthy.

Four weeks later, the ulcer measured 8 cm x 6 cm x 4 cm. Granulation tissue was present in 95% of the wound and it was contracting nicely.

The ulcer continued to slowly heal and remained free of infection and malodor. The patient’s condition improved and she was discharged from hospice to home. At that time, her health care team elected to return to conventional wound care and discontinued the essential oil treatment. "

J'espère que cela pourra t'aider.


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MessagePosté: 26 Nov 2008, 01:25 
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Inscription: 22 Juin 2008, 18:11
Messages: 75
Localisation: Ici Maintenant
Merci Venezia :sourire:
Mais la peau a bougonné et il faut la retirer sinon la cicatrisation ne se fera pas.
Ce que je souhaitait savoir c’est si il y a une interaction entre les HE et l’URGOTUL que je vais devoir appliqué…
est ce que les HE restent longtemps dans la peau apres application où partent t-elles avec un simple lavage de la plaie.

« Tout résonne. »

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MessagePosté: 26 Nov 2008, 10:17 
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Inscription: 06 Sep 2005, 21:56
Messages: 964
Localisation: Monaco
Les HE sont passées dans le sang, c'est très rapide.
Rien ne part au lavage, c'est assimilé.
Pas de soucis à se faire de ce côté là

:stroumph: L'impossible est une absurdité

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MessagePosté: 26 Nov 2008, 14:17 
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Inscription: 22 Juin 2008, 18:11
Messages: 75
Localisation: Ici Maintenant
Merci Spirale encore une fois je me suis mal exprimée , il faut dire que tout ça me stress un peu. :foo:
Oui je sais que les HE passent dans le sang.
Je me demandait si elle restait longtemps sur la peau en surface mais bon tu as répondu à ma question, les HE sont assimilés alors pas de souci.
Vraiment votre soutien me touche ! :fleur1:

« Tout résonne. »

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